Welcome aboard! Just in case your not for real, I never said it, never thought it, and why am I on this site? Well, I accidently hit the wrong buttons and got on this site.
Sincerely, Truth and Justice
i am african gb member, i have just joined, looking forward to contributing to discussions on this forum.. .
thank you in advance for welcoming me on board.. african gb member.
Welcome aboard! Just in case your not for real, I never said it, never thought it, and why am I on this site? Well, I accidently hit the wrong buttons and got on this site.
Sincerely, Truth and Justice
i have been reading your posts the last couple of weeks and wanted to post and talk to all of you and at last i can.. first i am (or was)a unbaptised publisher but have jw daughter (really into it)and jw granddaughters and df son in law(for smoking).. i studied for 2 yrs and tried field service(hated hated hated it).anyway reading your posts helped me to make the decison that.
i just couldn't go on going to meetings even to be with my grandchildren(who i love dearly)and living a lie.
i believe jw's are a cult and the.
Hi Ohio Nana,
Welcome! Welcome! May Happy Trails come your way1
Sincerely, Truth and Justice
so wonderful to finally be able to communicate with you all.
like lurk3r mentioned, i feel like i have known you all for so long.
first, off i would like to say to leolaia you are my idol, and i would love to just sit with you and pick your brain about a variety of topics.
Hi JustwantTruth,
Its a pleasure to have you, this a good place to truly encourage and upbuild those who are suffering. I'm sure your story will inspire people. I too have hope that the other half of my immediate family will be rescued. I pray daily for them to get out, and it is certainly something I have not given up on, and that is my praying to my Heavenly Father for real strength.
May Happy Trails come your way!
Sincerely, Truth and Justice
i know- you aren't used to seeing me ask a simple question like this.
so- i'll start .
i am 49 years old, will be 50 in october .
I am below the average age of all the ages combined on this thread topic! Born in January in Florida, spent half of my life in the concentration camp and the other half happy that I can have a better relationship with my creator. How's that?
I really like this thread, love the comments. We all need a little laughter and some humor to break up the terrible emotions that we have all been under.
I don't know who it was, but the one giving her size, weight, coke bottle formation, etc,. that was hilarious!
Until next time, Take care! Truth and Justice
i don't know if anyone can help me on this, but my question is this- is there a website in which there is a list of kingdom halls with the names of elders from that congregation in a particular state?
i don't want anyone to go thru too much trouble for me, but i sure wonder if there is.. the reason i ask is because 2 of my brothers in the family are po and elder located in a sothern state that i know.
my curiousity is to know which hall there in, maybe it would give some sort of clues as to whether there on this site.
To Snakes in the Tower,
Very enlightening thoughts! I appreciate your advice and help.
Sincerely, Truth and Justice
To asilentone,
Good advice, and no, I was not up to date on the right lingo. I never thought about it in that way.
Take care, Truth and Justice
i have not set foot inside a kh for over 5 years now.
i suspect that i have been the 'subject' of the lnp's more than once.
i suppose every time someone gets a face to face with me in the local shops, and the elders hear of it, i get another dishonorable mention on thursday night.
AK-Jeff, this is a good thread!
To those of you who suffered at the hands of men, just men, I certainly feel for you. It is very despicable how they treat Jehovah's sheep. They think that we are theirs, we are not. It's a good enough reason why the sheep have scattered.
I wish they would not call it Local needs. Local needs in my opinion means this: Giving a talk on how we can encourage each other each time we meet? or What can we do as shepards to lighten the load on the congregation? Maybe a talk on- How we can make the responsibilities on the sheep not so burdensome? Wait a minute, I must be dreaming, IT AINT GOIN TO HAPPEN!
The reason being is that the book of Ezekiel said very clearly we were going to be slaves to the shepards that were suppose to take care of us, now we have also scattered as scripture puts it: Ezekiel 34:27- "And they will have to know that I am Jehovah when I break the bars of their yoke and I have delivered them out of the hand of those who had been using them as slaves."
What a day it will be when real loving people will not be afraid to show true feeling, the feeling of love!
Sincerely to all, Truth and Justice
i don't know if anyone can help me on this, but my question is this- is there a website in which there is a list of kingdom halls with the names of elders from that congregation in a particular state?
i don't want anyone to go thru too much trouble for me, but i sure wonder if there is.. the reason i ask is because 2 of my brothers in the family are po and elder located in a sothern state that i know.
my curiousity is to know which hall there in, maybe it would give some sort of clues as to whether there on this site.
To megaflower / asilentone,
Thank you both for your replies, good advice!
i don't know if anyone can help me on this, but my question is this- is there a website in which there is a list of kingdom halls with the names of elders from that congregation in a particular state?
i don't want anyone to go thru too much trouble for me, but i sure wonder if there is.. the reason i ask is because 2 of my brothers in the family are po and elder located in a sothern state that i know.
my curiousity is to know which hall there in, maybe it would give some sort of clues as to whether there on this site.
I don't know if anyone can help me on this, but my question is this- Is there a website in which there is a list of Kingdom Halls with the names of elders from that congregation in a particular state? I don't want anyone to go thru too much trouble for me, but I sure wonder if there is.
The reason I ask is because 2 of my brothers in the family are PO and Elder located in a Sothern state that I know. My curiousity is to know which hall there in, maybe it would give some sort of clues as to whether there on this site. I would do anything to help my brothers, I miss them dearly.
Or, maybe you have another suggestion!
Sincerely, Truth and Justice
thought i would properly introduce myself, being that i have posted here about 6 or 7 times since march of 2008. i do not want to create any sense of insecurity among the guests.. my name is truth and justice.
i have been reading this website since march of 2008 with great interest.
many times i have wanted to write and kept putting it off, because i just did not know how to put my thoughts on paper, especially when millions of people will read what i have written.
To those of you who responded, I want to say "Thank you!!", great comments, you all sound like good people.
Hubert - in answer to your question, she is doing well, and has always appreciated what I did for her. Thanks!
Parakeet - very nice thought!, never did consider a clicker in the corner.
Take care!! Truth and Justice
thought i would properly introduce myself, being that i have posted here about 6 or 7 times since march of 2008. i do not want to create any sense of insecurity among the guests.. my name is truth and justice.
i have been reading this website since march of 2008 with great interest.
many times i have wanted to write and kept putting it off, because i just did not know how to put my thoughts on paper, especially when millions of people will read what i have written.
Hello to All,
Hello! Thought I would properly introduce myself, being that I have posted here about 6 or 7 times since March of 2008. I do not want to create any sense of insecurity among the Guests.
My name is Truth and Justice. I have been reading this website since March of 2008 with great interest. Many times I have wanted to write and kept putting it off, because I just did not know how to put my thoughts on paper, especially when millions of people will read what I have written. I have enjoyed reading many interesting stories on this site, some have been very enlightening. And then ther are those stories which I feel a tremendous amount of empathy and sorrow for those who have suffered a great deal emotionally and mentally. I am in that class, and it had been a struggle for me. I would like to put my story this way:
I was born into the JW religion in the early 60's. I considered myself to be a spiritual person, and then between 1974-1984, I felt that I was just going in motion just to fulfill the obligations, with no enthusiasm or motives involved. But then, it was said that Jehovah's holy spirit resides among the witnesses and its flowing. There were many straws that broke the camel's back with me, that told me to make that difficult decision. This is the one: My sister was disfellowshiped for "conduct um-becoming a christain," as they like to put it. It was drinking. She had lived a distance of about an hour and a half. When I had found out about it 3 weeks later, I a (Ministerial Servant) decided that I would go visit her without telling anyone. She and I talked a while and read some encouraging scriptures, and then I prayed with her which she also wanted, a good visit in my opinion. A week later, PO talks to me after the meeting is over to ask about the situation regarding my visiting with my sister. I wonder to this day how he found out, but he did. I said my reason for visiting her is she is my sister, she's family! I said that I was encouraging her and praying with her. He began to say "Are you aware that, that is the responsibility of the elders and that you are putting your position as MS at risk and setting a bad example in the congregation? I said "Yes, it may be job of an elder, but she is family to me. As far as me setting a bad example, I don't agree on that. Since when do I have to be an elder to help my sister." My last question to him was-"Can you show me from the scriptures where I went wong, because she was repentant in my view? "I don't want an answer from a publication." He mentioned there would be another meeting which was with the CO.
A week later, I was removed as servant, especially when I took the matter in prayer and felt it was acceptable in my mind to do what I thought was right. For about 2 weeks, going to the meetings was hard, because everyone is saying to each other, What did he do? What sin was he involved in? What's he guilty of? To sit in my seat and hear my name mentioned in front of all in the congregation just sickened me. No more, you can not serve 2 masters.
One week later, I (Literature servant) gave my duties to my assistant, and then walked over to the PO and told him that " I was taking a leave of absence permanently." Surprisingly, he did not talk me out of it very hard. So I have been out all these years. I and my parents have considered ourselves the lost and scattered Sheep as the scriptures call it. The society will not share this scripture with you in Jer. 23:32, so may I, it says "Here I am against the prophets of false dreams," is the utterance of Jehovah, "who relate them and cause my people to wander about because of their falsehoods and because of their boasting. "But I myself did not send them or command them. So they will by no means benefit this people," is the utterance of Jehovah. Everything the society said was like a rubber stamp, the bottom of the stamp said- "Jehovah Approved", so we got to do what they say.
The people have certainly "wandered" about as you can see from what has happened in just the last 5 years. Yes, their boasting, well thats a subject for another day. When I left the religion, I decided to read Ray Franz's book "Crisis of Conscience", when it first came out, what an inspiring book. Especially when you read about some of the decisions that the Governing Body made and how they came to their conclusions, you'll probably be shocked. I read a few more of his books which were quite eye opening as well, and would encourage others to read.
As time goes on, I have had to deal with many emotional thoughts because of the fact that I miss the other half of my family. I miss them dearly. I love them. There have been days in the last 23-25 years where I have cried emotionally, and I'm a grown man. I have prayed for them every day since I been out that they will be free. I feel they think their doing what is best, but they are mixed-up and confused. They are probably afraid because of the circunstances that will confront them if they get out. They all have families. The only thing that has helped me to endure this and other things is my personal reading of the bible without constraints and help of WTS publications to analyze it for me. Second, is Prayer, those 2 things have been my help and always will be.
In conclusion, I have gained happiness and a peace of mind, by being free, free to think, using my conscience without all the restrictive orders from a body of just men. As it is said, in Eze. 34:27-"And they will have to know that I am Jehovah when I break the bars of their yoke and I have delivered them out of the hand of those who had been using them as slaves."
To all of you, it has been a pleasure writing this! I look to the day when we will all be together in True Love and Unity and not have to hide behind our computer User names on this Forum.
Take care!! Truth and Justice